Restaurant Chain Management System
A multi-chain restaurant POS website with menu management, invoicing, and accounting features. Created using SQL Server, PHP, and Bootstrap 3.
Mark is an inquisitive programmer who strives to obtain a rich skillset in web development, software engineering, and machine learning.
A multi-chain restaurant POS website with menu management, invoicing, and accounting features. Created using SQL Server, PHP, and Bootstrap 3.
A Java-coded, speed-typing Game that resembles the basic gameplay of the 2003 classic: Typer Shark.
A buy-and-sell website for books with messaging and forum management features. Created using MySQL, PHP, and Bootstrap 3.
A console application which uses Apache POI to convert a class schedule csv into a color-coded Excel schedule file
A console application which converts files in java code to assembly language and vice versa
A project from my "Living in the IT Era" class
An implementation of the Quine-McCluskey algorithm which uses Java Server Pages
An abstraction of CPU process allocation using FCFCS, SJF, Priority, and RR